SML - Satsuma Marketing Ltd
SML stands for Satsuma Marketing Ltd
Here you will find, what does SML stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Satsuma Marketing Ltd? Satsuma Marketing Ltd can be abbreviated as SML What does SML stand for? SML stands for Satsuma Marketing Ltd. What does Satsuma Marketing Ltd mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Paris, Île-De-.
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Alternative definitions of SML
- Security Market Line
- Standard Meta Language
- Simple Markup Language
- Service Management Layer
- Simple Macro Language
- Saturday Morning Live
- MVS Storage Management Library
- Stella Maris, Long Island, Bahamas
View 277 other definitions of SML on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SEMA Swedish Emergency Management Agency
- SGC Summit Group Consultancy
- SSC Savannah Stage Company
- SLF The Stephens Law Firm
- SFE Sour Fish Events
- SGP Smith Goodfellow Pr
- SCADC South Central Alabama Development Commission
- SCW Sparkle Car Wash
- SDS Sunrise Delivery Service
- SS Safe n Sound
- SPG The Strategic Planning Group
- SB The Strategy Bureau
- SAIMTPL SAI Machine Tools Private Limited
- SGR Sowell Gray Robinson
- SRWC SR Web Creation
- SMC Swedish Marketing Council
- SF The Sign Factory
- SDII Spatial Dna Informatics Inc.
- SVN Security Vision Networks
- SMM Sanna Mattson Macleod